Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Wednesday 26th August

Morena tamariki ma!

Lots of important information today. Please read them all carefully :)
  1. Sharing with me (Miss R) today. Not Mrs Howell and not Mrs Turner. They will not be checking their emails today.
  2. Answer the riddle in the comments (see video to hear riddle). Remember to sign your name so we know who is commenting!
  3. Google Meet at 10:30 - bring something special from home to share with everyone e.g. a piece of jewellery, your favourite book, a trohpy, your cat! Anything that is special to you.
  4. Thursday's Google Meet will now be at 1:00, not 1:30.
  5. Please try to do your learning between 9 am - 3 pm. Try not to share your work outside of these times. You should not be doing your home learning at 9 o'clock at night - you should be in bed!
  6. Please watch the video below that Mrs Turner posted last week, about how to insert a slide, and highlight and comment on a specific slide when sharing your work with your teacher. Some of you are still not doing this properly.

How to Comment and Add a Slide in Google Slides

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Congratulations to Indigo for her superb advert (which she also turned into an infomercial). 5 dojos is going out to you Indi.


Who will be today's winner?


  1. Is it a towel?


  2. Hi Miss Robertson. I think today's riddle is a towel.

  3. Good morning Miss Robertson, I think the answer is bath towel.
    From Mason

  4. towel by Brian

  5. Hi Mrs R, I think the riddle is water.

  6. Hey Ms R ]
    the answer was a towel and stay safe at home and have a good day buy xoxox-Hayley

  7. well done INDI

  8. Good Miss Robertson,
    i think for today's answer is a bath towel.
    From Gyana

  9. Congratulations Indigo, that is a superb advert. I think we all need a llama for soft hugs and a good nights sleep.Keep shining bright at home gorgeous learner, Mrs Daniel

  10. Hi Mrs Robertson
    The answer for today's riddle is a towel.
    Have a good day

  11. Man you guys are clever, I think you might be googling the answer even!. Yes it is a towel.
