Thursday, 7 May 2020

Enviro Thursday?

You might like to try an Enviro Challenge today Team 12! Remember to share with Mrs Daniel ( as well as Mrs Turner ( if you do!

Good luck!
And a BIG thank you to those who are ALWAYS challenging themselves to be "Better than Before" :-)


  1. Nichoias Peng7 May 2020 at 09:41

    hi Mrs turnur

    1. Hi Nicholas!
      Thank you for all your wonderful work you shared with me yesterday. I have just had a look, commented and added it to the blog slide deck ready to go up this afternoon! You are working very hard. Thank you!

  2. Mrs Turner, you look like you're dressed for the snow. Good spotting of the moth plant, and even better that you are getting rid of it! It's a great idea to check out the Enviro blog.
    I'm going to look forward to seeing some learning from some of those pirates who have jumped ship later today and tomorrow.

  3. nicholas Peng7 May 2020 at 12:14

    Thank you Mrs Turner

  4. Hi Mrs Tuner I'm doing somthing from the envior blog
